My four important values in romantic relationships


During the years I have thought what would I name as key things that make a relationship good and lasting. While these four things are important in relationships overall, these things I have thought especially from the viewpoint of romantic relationships.

I personally see that these points/values form at the same time a basis for a strong successful relationship but also by following these values the relationship evolves into a deep and probably the most mutually rewarding relationship possible.

One way to look a the values from 1 to 4 could be to see that the first is in its most important place in the beginning of the relationship and the last could be seen to be a continuously developing value that should be nurtured as the relationship develops further. That was not directly in my mind as I started to wrote these values down but looking at them now it makes a certain logic to them.

  1. Be genuine – I feel that being genuine, being yourself as your really are, is a value, that is important in many different ways. It can be one of the hardest but also one of the most important things to keep clear in mind and trough that visible in all your actions and thoughts when starting a new relationship, it becomes a given as the relationship develops, but if you don’t keep sure it is in check from the beginning, it is very much possible that the beginning is the only thing that the relationship will ever have.
  2. Be honest
  3. Respect your partner
  4. Put your partners interest and gain above yourselves

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