Answers to the ultimate questions asked by all humans. All natural sciences agree or cannot deny the answer


This post is labeled under the categories, science and religion. So, it cannot be undenied by the current sciences to be impossible and based on that it can be seen that the evidence mathematically in significantly increases the factor of it actually being true.

These theories form from the following answers:

There are over three levels of layers between actual reality experienced by humans to the actual reality of everything

– 1st level is: God

What we perceive or understand as God is a natural force that lies in the utmost layer of actual reality. This reality also was created in the Big Bang, so this means that God cannot answer anything to the question that what was before the actual Big Bang. This means that this question cannot be answered by anyone, in any time, rendering the question obsolete. God is also a reality that expands in space with the same factor as perceived reality so it is not a reality that is infinite already before it extends to create perceived reality, meaning also in current terms Universe as we understand it.

  • 2nd level is: Lifeforce

This level or rather layer is called Lifeforce as it contains and recycles all of the lifeforce of the Universe. This level is labeled in the common language as Heaven. There are also other layers of reality between God and Universe but they are not mentioned here.

To be continued.

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